The Biden administration’s approach to housing policy was marked by regulatory overreach, higher costs, and a misguided focus on DEI initiatives. As a result, homeownership became increasingly unattainable for many Americans. Now, President Trump is taking decisive action to reverse course and restore a functioning housing market. Market Institute President Charles Sauer looks at the quick action the Trump administration is taking in a new article in The Blaze.

“It is almost breathtaking how impotent the Biden administration was — which, for better or worse, makes the jarring pace of the Trump administration even more noticeable. President Trump has already set us on a new course internationally, begun reshaping the government, and will soon target the domestic economy. It is crucial that he focuses on restoring the American dream of homeownership.

While largely indecisive in most areas, Joe Biden’s Department of Housing and Urban Development seemed especially bent on slowing down markets and raising prices for American consumers — including those who bought homes.

Trump’s appointments at HUD and the Justice Department can score early wins by restoring law and order to the housing market.

Scott Turner, the newly confirmed Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, has wasted no time in dismantling harmful Biden-era regulations. One of the most damaging was the 2021 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which acted as a de facto zoning tax, driving up costs for homeowners. By reversing this rule, Turner is ensuring that local governments, not Washington bureaucrats, dictate housing policies.

Another key battleground is the Biden administration’s misguided approach to “appraisal bias.” Biden’s DOJ and HUD aggressively pursued lawsuits, including one against Rocket Mortgage, that threaten the independence of appraisers and could create dangerous instability in the housing market.

“Appraisal independence is vital. The principle of appraisal independence, established in the Dodd-Frank Act, ensures that an appraiser’s independent judgment is free from the influence of other parties who might benefit. This safeguard eliminates the conflicts of interest that contributed to the pre-2008 housing bubble, when lenders obtained inflated appraisals to assume more risk and increase profits.

Appraisal bias is a real problem but stems from a few bad apples, not a malfunctioning system. The Biden administration’s attempt to rewrite housing laws through the Justice Department and HUD risks disrupting the mortgage-lending industry and making homeownership even more unattainable.”

By rolling back these damaging policies, Trump’s HUD is paving the way for a more affordable, fair, and functional housing market—one that prioritizes opportunity over government interference. With Turner at the helm, expect continued efforts to streamline HUD, protect property rights, and ensure homeownership remains within reach for hardworking Americans.

Read more at The Blaze by clicking here.


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