Democrats, Snake Oil, and Drug Prices
Market Institute Presdient Charles Sauer has a new article out in RealClear Health on drug pricing legislation in Congress. “Once upon a time, a politician noticed that drug prices had risen. They noticed that this rise had affected 66% of their constituents. Read more…
Big Tech Hate Is Not a Reason to Harm Constituents
The Market Institute President Charles Sauer has another article out recently looking at antitrust legislation being negotiated between Senator Chuck Grassley and Democrats. He wrote: “Sometimes people forget that politics is not like math or science – at least this Read more…
Sen. Wyden’s ETF Tax Proposal Proves that the Government is Too Big
The Market Institute President Charles Sauer has a new article out in RealClear Policy on a new proposal by Senator Ron Wyden on the tax treatment of ETF’s. He writes: “Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden recently proposed a policy Read more…
Corporations Don’t Owe You Anything
The Market Institute President Charles Sauer has a new piece out in RealClear Policy looking at a recent article by Senator Sherrod Brown blaming corporations for not doing enough for workers. “There is a difference between entrepreneurs and politicians. Entrepreneurs Read more…
Articles Patents
Boring Biden takes on Innovation
Market Institute President Charles Sauer has a new piece out in the Washington Examiner on a new executive order by the Biden administration on mergers and acquisitions. “Compared to the craziness and unpredictability of the last administration, the Biden administration Read more…
Nuclear power subsidies and the gateway drug to cronyism
Market Institute President Charles Sauer has a new article out in the Washington Examiner looking at the $6 billion in nuclear power subsidies found in the recently passed infrastructure bill. He writes: “When governments intervene in markets, strange things start Read more…
Articles Patents
Biden Should Respect Vaccine Makers’ Patent Rights
Market Institute President Charles Sauer has a new piece in RealClear Policy on patent rights. The White House recently issued a patent waiver for Covid-19 vaccines. Here’s an excerpt of Sauer’s article: “President Biden recently made what the Wall Street Read more…
Trump’s legacy – A love of government intervention
Market Institute President Charles Sauer is out with a new piece in the Washington Examiner on the anti trust talk happening in Congress “Former President Donald Trump‘s political tactics shaped the Republican Party in dramatic ways. Today, Republicans are now acting Read more…
On HR 3, Nancy Pelosi Is Like a Bad Used Car Salesperson
The Market Institute President Charles Sauer has a new commentary piece in Townhall on House Resolution 3 which is designed to lower drug costs for Americans. Sauer thinks the legislation badly misses the mark. Here is an excerpt of his Read more…